Sarah's Thoughts

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

8. My Baby Brother

I have the best little brother EVER!!

My little brother is the cutest. He's ten years old and way too smart for his age. He has an older brother who taught him how to tease his four older sisters, and he does it well. He makes our family happy, he makes me happy, and he makes us laugh. He does some pretty silly things, like hiding when someone tries to take his picture:

He takes up odd hobbies (such as learning shorthand and having my mom quiz him on it, sewing, building electrical circuits, drawing in his bed at night, etc) and he keeps us guessing. He's the only member of the family who has ever taken an interest in sports and his sports of choice are lacrosse and basketball. When I asked him recently what he wants to be when he grows up he said a basketball player, very different from my other brother's dreams of becoming a doctor, scientist, or artist. He bought himself a basketball a couple of months ago and now he and my dad ride bikes to the elementary school and shoot hoops. This shocked me as much as when my dad bought my 16 year-old brother a bullet bike. Dad playing basketball? Absolutely unheard of!!

He's recently taken up art and does quite well with it, as do many of my other siblings (I totally missed the drawing/sculpting/painting gene) He and I played with Model Magic™ and he made a dog and a platypus (his favorite animal)

He then got a hold of my camera and took a few pictures that show he's all boy (he took the platypus one too)

YAY! for my baby brother!!!

Super-cutest of all he sleeps under the quilt I made him for his birthday. (see the picture blog for pictures of the quilt) It's just the size of the top of his bed and he lays it out on top. I don't know what happened to his comforter, but it's no longer on the bed!


  • Yay!

    And Yay! for Oatmeal Squares! One of my favorite cereals (next to Cracklin' Oat Bran). :)

    By Blogger Leetie, at 9:49 AM, July 26, 2006  

  • Oat Squares are my favorite! One of the three cereals I'll eat (also Life and Apple cherrios) I picked them out when my mom and I went shopping for food for our stay at the cabin.

    By Blogger Sarah J, at 2:51 PM, July 26, 2006  

  • Yay! for platypi and triceratopses!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:47 AM, July 28, 2006  

  • There's an apple cheerios now? Where have I been?

    By Blogger Steven, at 3:46 PM, July 29, 2006  

  • You and your baby brother are so cool!

    Your family sounds great.

    Do you think they'd sell their house to me for $500,000? Ha ha, you know I'm kidding! (Sarah O. remembers when her family bought a house for $17,000 in 1961. And it was a nice house in a nice Pittsburgh suburb. Eeep.)

    By Blogger Sarah, at 6:41 PM, July 31, 2006  

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