Sarah's Thoughts

Saturday, May 20, 2006

4. Music

“If music be the food of love, play on,” said Shakespeare [Twelfth Night (I, I ,1)] Music is a truly wonderful thing, it can convey so much meaning in just a few bars. Music expresses emotion more effectively than even words can. Music can lift you when you’re down, it can calm you when you worry. Music is a magnificent art. I learned to appreciate music even more through living and interacting with a master cellist on a daily basis. I saw more clearly the dedication and passion it takes to be a great musician. The wonderful result of all that work is the clearest expression of feeling known to man.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

3. Creating

I love to create. Whether it's cooking, sewing, reading, writing, taking photographs, scrapbooking, or talking to people, I like to create. I feel that is our purpose, that the way to find happiness is through creativity. Destruction brings sadness, anger, and bitterness.
People often tell me that I'm very "domestic." I often find myself compared to Betty Crocker, Martha Stewart, or June Cleaver (I think it's the apron and heels) and I think there's a reason. I find that the things I like to create, my hobbies, involve doing things to please others. I am a people pleaser. I don't mean that I'm a doormat, I mean that making other people happy is what makes me happiest. I love to cook, but I hate to cook for myself; I have a "need to feed." (I've been told that my husband will be fat. I'm not sure if it was a compliment.) Every now and again I have to invite someone over to eat, whether it's my sister, my home teachers or even someone I hardly know, I feel like I have to feed someone or I will go crazy. I recently made a quilt for my brother's birthday and I haven't done anything recently that made me as happy as sewing a blanket for my baby. It made me happy because it will make him happy, and knowing he's happy is a wonderful thing.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

2. The Written Word

I love to read. I like to read fast-paced exciting books with lots of plot twists and surprises. I like to read children's books full of fantasy and make-believe. I like Jane Austen's books and the like. I like Russian literature (translated into English, of course.) I like reading light-hearted books that make me laugh. I like reading complex books that make me think, question, and doubt. I like reading books that bring me closer to my Savior, that help me know how I can become the greatest possible me. I like reading the newspaper in the morning, knowing what's going on in the world around me (I miss getting the paper, but it just isn't practical) I like reading letters from friends and family. I like reading the journals of my ancestors, the memoirs of my grandparents, the recollections of long ago.
In 1447, Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press, a machine that would change the world forever. He created a means for people to share information more effectively and easily. I am profoundly grateful for his creativity and contribution to the world.
My grandfather was a printer and lithographer by trade. Books were his life. Learning was a constant and life-long process. Education didn't stop when he graduated from college (BYU, yay!) in 1938. He passed his love of learning, reading, and books to his children.
My father reads more than just about anyone I know. He is always reading articles to keep up with current developments in his field. He reads to answer questions. If he wants something done he will go to the library to get a book about how to do it, read the book, and follow its instructions.
The house I grew up in had more bookcases than I can count. I know there were at least two in every bedroom, a few large ones in the living room, more in the garage, a small one in the kitchen, and walls covered in books in the family room. There was never a shortage of reading material in our home.
Here at school I have far too many books. I recently moved and had 6 moving boxes (smallish ones) full of books. Two of the boxes are going to my parents' house next month, but that still leaves a lot here in my small room. I don't think I have gone a day without reading something since I was three years old.
The written word is a powerful thing. It can influence many people, express many ideas and emotions, and can be used for both good and bad. It is a shame people don't read as much as they used to. I find reading to be relaxing, intellectually stimulating, and entertaining all at the same time. Books are good. Kids should be taught to value and like them, to go to them for entertainment and inspiration, answers and peace. Reading a computer screen just isn't the same.

Monday, May 08, 2006

1. Being a Woman

Women have the gift of civilizing. "We use our creativity and our intelligence to improve our communities and to beautify our surroundings. We build connections between neighbors. We band together for good causes and are courageous in defending right and virtue. In ways large and small, women help to civilize the world.
"Women have done this through the centuries by their manner of behavior. Historically, women have been the custodians of characteristics of gentleness and courtesy, of sweetness and of gracious influence. These qualities tame the savage beast in all of humanity, and without them the world would be a cold and hostile place... Women do not have to be loud and pushy to be strong. The world... needs the quiet strength and refining influence of women who are at peace with this side of their nature and are not afraid to be kind, gentle and supportive."

Women also posses the gift of nurturing. "The hallmark of women's gifts is that of giving and nurturing life and caring for people. We are designed to be capable of and interested in doing this...Women's brains are specially structured to be skilled in the use of language, the perception and expression of emotion, and the capacity. Thus, we are gifted in communicating, building relationships and responding to human needs...Historically, women have spearheaded some of the great movements of social compassion, from prison reform to the abolition of slavery, striving to relieve human suffering in its many forms"

I am glad to be a part of the sisterhood that comes from being a woman. I like knowing that I can influence the world, even though I am shy. I can beautify the world around me, seeking and acquiring the good, rejecting the bad. I like knowing that I have a power for good, that I can help others, find joy in lessening their pain, and build ties that will lift and support others and myself. Someone once asked me what I liked least about being a woman and I couldn't think of a single thing I would trade. Sure, some things are painful or difficult, but I can't imagine not being a woman. No offense to men, they're great in their own way, but I enjoy my femininity, my girlyness. I know that someday, in due time, I will meet a man who will compliment my girlyness, and who's masculinity is complimented by my femininity, and we will create two halves of a whole, a beginning of a family. I don't need to be like a man to accomplish things, to make a difference, I can do it in a womanly way and be just as strong.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Ten Things I Love

Ten things I love? That goes against my upbringing. As my dad used to remind me often, a wise man once told my grandmother, "We love people [Mrs. J] we like things." But I've been tagged, so it looks like I'll have to forget that and think about what I like most. This is going to take some thinking, so I believe I will make it a ten part series.

PS. I would love any comments or criticisms on my writting/blogging, as I would like to improve both. Any suggestions would be great (especially about my writing.)